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Power Web Service (API)


Power Web Service is the new API programming interface developed by CIM to enable ease and intuitive use and integration of the Metal Plate Systems (MPS) machines with the customer's production line.

Power Web Service allows you to remotely control the MPS line machines and to customize batches of metal plates with functionality like those of a common printer. It is in fact the ideal solution for those who want to develop their own customized marking system or integrate MPS machines with their own production management software.

Through the HTTP API it is possible to communicate with Power Web Service by means of JSON documents, a worldwide recognized serialization standard. Each document contains the metal plate layout and associated marking data. Power Web Service will put every document received in the print queue. Production will start automatically, and it allows to check the status at any time. Furthermore, by means of the logging function, it is possible to view the complete audit of the production events.

Power Web Service is available in two distributions: Power Web Service Standard and Power Web Service PRO (Protected).
The PRO version, in addition to having all the features of the standard version, is ideal for production companies that require high security standards. It uses TLS-protected communication protocol (HTTPS) and stores the sessions in memory. While for the storage of production logs it uses blockchain technology, which guarantees high security and protection against any tampering.